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Spring Workbook :Your young learners will enjoy the journey of discovery !



Encourage, Educate and Engage young learners in REAL life learning during the months of Spring.

Outdoors parks and gardens also function as living labs, outdoor classrooms, areas to put knowledge and skills into practice. Most important, lessons learnt in the garden are about growing as people: learning responsibility, flexibility, perseverance; gaining problem-solving skills, and looking at the world in a different way.

Kids Can Garden teaching resource is designed to allow young learners to gain knowledge and develop skills through activities and projects set around challenges and problems they face in the real world.

Spring workbook bundle includes lots of fun and engaging Spring activities, Recommended for Ages 7-12+ Classroom, Home Schooling, Garden Club. North and South Hemispheres.

Lessons Include

Spring Time - season of change and new activity

What plants need to make them happy - plant essentials and requirements

All about flower - anatomy and pollination

Worm fun - anatomy and worm farming

Natural and man-made materials - explore, discover and examine

Recycling, reduce, reuse materials - evaluate material uses, recycling processes

Spring Vocabulary

So open this amazing book to find out how every kid can garden and every garden is a classroom

Your  young learners will enjoy the journey of discovery!

Spring Workbook- Journey of Discovery | PAPERBACK

GST Included |

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